Friday, July 24, 2009

EYOF EF Quick Hits

Event Finals will take place today and, unfortunately, the site might have been hacked, so you can follow the competition here and leave comments if you want.

MAG Floor
Pablo Bragger – 2 ½ - barani (good twisting), front 2/1 punch front, ro – arabian, japanese HS, 1 ½ - 1/1, 2/1, front 1 ½ (low chest). He was the 3rd qualifier. 13.650 (5.3)
Andrei Munteanu – front 2/1 punch front, 2 ½ - 1 ½, ro – arabian layout, japanese HS, 3/1, 2/1. 14.050 (5.3)
David Belyavskiy – 1 ½ - 2/1, full in tucked, 2/1, Fedorchenko, cartwheel to the corner, 2 ½ - barani (a bit low), 3/1 (small hop back). Nice form. 14.225 (5.4)
Tomas Thys – double arabian (big step), 2 ½ - barani (out of direction but in), Manna, ro – arabian, 1 ½ - 1/1 tuck, 2/1 (hop back). 13.225 (4.9)
Adelin Kotrong - ro – double arabian (oob), front 1 ½ - barani (bad form), 2/1, 2 ½ - 1/1 (tucked down), full in. Not the best form of the competitors today. The score for Kotrong is taking a long time to be decided. 13.550 (5.5)
Igor Pakhomenko - full in (step back), double arabian (hop forward), beautiful flairs to Fedorchenko, japanese HS, front 1 ½, 2 ½ (step). 13.600 (5.3)
Jim Zona - double arabian (stumble forward to hand down oob), 1 ½ - 1/1 to prone, flairs, 2/1 (low), ro – arabian, 2 ½ (low landing again). The first fall of the final. 12.150 (4.9)
Oliver Hegi - double arabian (hop), 2 ½ - barani, 2/1, Manna (beautiful), Fedorchenko, 1 ½ - 1/1 tuck (bad landing and oob, near fall), front 1 ½. Unclucky routine for a very nice gymnast. 13.000 (5.1)

WAG Vault
Teja Belak
- Yurchenko 1 ½ (short and fall back). 12.725 // FTY (big step back). 13.450
Victoriya Komova - DTY (hop back, good form). 14.800 // ro - 1/2 on - pike off (step forward). 13.550
Julie Croket - Handspring front 1/1 tuck (step to the side, oob). 13.875 // FTT (legs apart in the first flight). 13.675
Celine van Gerner - Yurchenko 1 1/2 (a bit short and slightly bent knees) 13.850 // FTY (step back). 13.675
Amelia Racea - FTY (step forward). 14.000 // DTY (step back). 14.975
Naoual Ouazzani - Yurchenko 1 1/2 (very nice height and distance, hop forward) 14.375 // FTY (big jump back, nice form). 14.025

Violetta Malikova - DTY (legs apart on first flight, hop forward). 14.675 // ro - 1/2 on - pike 1/2 off (step back). 13.675
Sara Catanzaro - FTY (low). 13.550 // Yurchenko 1 1/2 (bent knees and fall). 12.625

MAG Pommel Horse
Igor Pakhomenko - scissors, flairs, Stockli, good work on one pommel, Gu Wuonian, Magyar, Sivado, flairs to HS to dismount. Good routine. 13.450 (5.4)
Ioan Nistor - scissors, flairs on one pommel, good speed and hips, Magyar, pirouette to HS to dismount. 13.100 (5.1)
Cameron Mackenzie - scissor, flairs, Gu Wuonian (fall), russian wendewsing on one side, good speed. 11.825 (4.3)
Sam Oldham - scissors, flairs on one pommel, russian wendewsing on one side (good), Magyar, Sivado, good work on one pommel to tuck legs to dismount. 13.775 (4.8)
Andrei Munteanu - scissors, flairs, Magyar, work on one pommel, hesitation on double pirouette to HS to dismount. 12.875 (4.6)
Michael Meier - scissor, Magyar, full pirouette to dismount. Short routine. 12.450 (4.3)
Oliver Hegi - scissor, low russian wendeswings in one side, Magyar, form break on flair to HS to dismount. 13.025 (4.6)
Maksym Semyankiv - he is coached by Alexander Svetlinchy. good height and hips on work on one pommel, Magyar, Sivado, russian wendewsings (low) to scissor, russian wendeswing to dismount. 13.400 (4.9). He moves to bronze medal.

WAG Uneven Bars
Amelia Racea
- toe oenshoot to HB, giant 1/2 - Jaeger, no HS, stalder 1/1 (not connected), open legs on overshoot, giant 1/1, giant 1/2 - double front (step). 13.950 (5.4)
Nicole Hibbert - toe on, Tkatchev, no HS, toe on Tkatchev - Pak, Shaposhnikova, overshoot, undershoot, no HS, giant 1/1, legs apart, double front (hop). 13.950 (5.7)
Chiara Gandolfi - toe on Tkatchev (close), overshoot (nice), wild legs on giants and HS, stalder, double pike off (step back).
Laura Svilpaite - jump to HS, stalder - stalder 1/1 (off and fall), stalder (fall), stalder - stalder 1/1 - Tkatchev, Pak, stalder on LB, undershoot, endo 1/2, double layout (stuck). After the two falls, she did an excellent routine. It's a shame since she is a beautiful gymnast. 12.375
Mira Boumejmajen - shaposh, overshoot (legs), stalder pike in, piked Jaeger, fall on giant changing grips, giant 1/1, full in (fall forward). 11.500 (5.4)
Victoriya Komova - stalder to undershoot, pike stalder 1/1 - piked Jaeger, stalder - stalder 1/1 Tkatchev - Pak, full in (stuck). 15.000 (6.3)
Andrea Foti - jump to HS, stalder - Jaeger, no HS, stalder, toe on 1/1, Tkatchev, overshoot, no HS, double front (stuck). 13.800 (5.5)
Naoual Ouazzani - Shaposhnikova - Gienger, giant 1/2 - Jaeger, overshoot, undershoot, no HS, clear hip , full in (big step back). 13.825 (5.7)

MAG Rings
David Belyavskiy
- straddled planche, L-sit to HS, double front pike - double front to HS (off), giant, full twisting double layout (stuck). 13.875 (4.8)
Michael Meier - straddled planche (swing), giant - double pike front - double front to L-sit straddled, straddled planche, L-sit to HS, shaking a lot, giant, full in (stuck). 13.075 (4.8)
Dimitris Krasias - coached by Iorodotos Georgallas. straddled planche, double pike front - double front to L-sit, straddled planche, swinging rings, problems on HS, full in tuck (step back). 12.775 (4.8)
Artur Davtyan - straddled planche, L-sit to HS, front giant, full in (hop). Nice positions. 13.200 (4.2)
Vahan Vardanyan - double pike front -double front to straddle planche, L-sit to HS (shaky), off on HS, double front off. 13.225 (4.5)
Igor Pakhomenko - planche to L-sit, double front -double pike to HS, good control, giant, full twisting double layout (a bit low and step forward). 13.700
Mykyta Yermak - cross, cross, double pike front - double front to L-sit, swinging rings, HS, giant (bent arms), triple back (hop to the side). 13.800 (5.1)
Pablor Bragger - straddle planche, L-sit to HS, front giant, double pike front, double front (big swining of the rings), L-sit to HS, full in (stuck). 12.675

Former Soviet countries dominate rings.

Medal Ceremony is underway.

MAG Vault
Pablo Bragger
- Yurchenko 1 1/2. 15.000 // FTT (stuck). 14.725
David Belyavskiy - 2 1/2 TT (fall to the side) 14.225 // DTY (landed good but went oob and walked a little bit). 13.925
Nestor Abad - DTT (stuck). 15.425 // Handspring front layout (low landing). 14.100
Michael Meier - DTY (a bit short but stuck). 15.475 // Handspring front layout (step forward). 14.025
Hakon Andreassen - Roche (deep squat landing). 14.900 // FTT (several steps back). 14.275
Jim Zona - Yurchenko 1 1/2 (stuck). 15.250 // FTT (short). 14.550
Artur Davtyan - FTT (big step back). 15.150 // Handspring front layout (piked down) 1/2 off 12.850
Tomas Thys -
DTT (big step back). 15.100 // FTY (hop). Good height. 14.825 Gold medal for Belgium.

WAG Balance Beam
Jessica Diacci - front tuck, switch leap - back tuck - sheep jump, turn with leg at horizontal, split jump - wolf jump, flic - layout (wobble), free aerial, free carthweel (fall), ro - double back (jump back). 12.300 (5.3)
Laura Svilpaite - full turn, side somi, free aerial - flic - layout, front tuck, sheep jump, free cartwheel, switch leap - split leap - wolf jump, ro - 2/1 (small step back). Beautiful gymnast. 13.775 (5.2)

Celine van Gerner - split leap - back tuck, side split leap (wobble), free aerial - flic - layout, full turn, free cartwheel (wobble), 1/2 split leap, ro - double back (stuck). 13.800 (5.4)
Vicotriya Komova - roll mount, 1/1 split jump, front tuck, flic - layout - layout (small hesitation), standing arabian (stuck), split jump - wolf jump (bad and wobble), free aerial - sheep jump, side somi, turn with leg at horizontal to drop it earlier , switch leap, flic - flic - double arabian (small step back). 14.650 (6.1)
Desiree Baumert - free cartwheel, side somi, free aerial (wobble), flic - layout (fall), split jump - wolf jump, switch leap, turn with leg at horizontal, front tuck (fall), sheep jump, front 1 1/2. 11.700 (5.4)
Amelia Racea - front tuck, free aerial, flic - back pike, switch leap - back tuck, full turn, side split leap, 1/2 split leap, free cartwheel - side somi, ff - ff - double pike off (low chest landing and step back). 14.650 (5.9)
Julie Croket - front tuck (step), side split leap, wolf jump, free aerial, flic - layout (wobble), switch leap - back tuck (fall), turn with leg at horizontal, ro - double pike off (step back). 12.375 (5.1)
Andrea Foti
-press mount, free aerial, flic - layout, sheep jump (not good), full turn - turn with leg to head (fall), free cartwheel, switche leap - wolf jump, switch ring leap (wobble), ro - double pike (low). 13.100

MAG Parallel Bars
Thomas Neuteleers - giant, straddle cut, hop 1/2, double pike off (hop back). 13.600 (4.7)
Sam Oldham - giant, Healy, Diamadov, hop 1/2 - 1/1 flyaway. 13.775 (4.8)
Oliver Hegi - giant, straddle cut to HS, hop 1/2, Diamadov, double pike off (big step forward). 13.525 (4.7)
Artur Davtyan - hop 1/2 (not in HS), double pike off (squat and step back). 13.125 (4.2)
David Belyavskiy - side to kip to HS, straddle cut to near sit, hop 1/2, Diamadov, Healy, double front off. 12.900 (4.9)
Michael Meier - L-sit to HS, giant, hop 1/2, double pike off (step back). 13.500 (4.4)
Adam Babos - straddle cut to HS, healy, L-sit cut, double pike off (jump forward). 13.150 (4.3)
Dimitris Krasias - straddle cut to HS, straddle cut, Healy, stradle cut (sit down), double pike (hop).

WAG Floor
Julie Croket - full in (low and stumble backward), 1 1/2 - 1/1, 1/1 split jump, front 2/1 (step), switch 1/2, turn with leg at horizontal, double pike (step back). 13.225 (5.3)
Raluca Haidu - whip - 3/1 (slightly underrotated), full in tucked (stuck), switch leap , 1/1 switch leap, turn with leg at horizontal, 2 1/2 punch front, switch ring leap, double pike (low chest landing). 13.900 (5.6)
Amelia Racea - full in tucked (step), double turn with leg at horizontal, 3/1 (underrotated, 2 3/4), 1/1 switch leap, front somi through double back, switch leap, double spin, double pike off. 14.050 (5.6)
Violetta Malikova - double arabian (step), 3/1 (crossed legs), 1/2 switch leap, 1 1/2 through 2/1, switch leap 1/1, double pike (hop). 14.125 (5.5)
Andrea Foti - whip through double back (step), double pike, split 1/1, front 1/1, turn with leg at head, switch leap, 2 1/2. 13.475 (5.1)
Jessica Diacci - double arabian (fall forward oob), split 1/1, double back, switch ring leap, triple spin, 1 1/2 - layout (hop), double pike (hop). 12.600 (5.2)
Victoriya Komova - 1 1/2 through double arabian (fall), full in (low chest), double turn with leg at horizontal, switch leap, split 1/1, 3/1, double turn with leg at head, double pike (step). 13.375 (5.6)
Naoual Ouazzani - full in (step back), 1 1/2 - 1/1 (step), 2/1, switch leap, switch 1/2, full spin, double pike off, triple spin. 13.725 (5.2)

MAG High Bar
Jim Zona - stalder 1 1/2, endo 1/1, Tkatchev (fall), stalder 1/1 (bad), problems on HS, full twisting double layout (low landing and big step oob). 10.100 (3.4)
Max Bennett - Voronin, Tkatchev - Gienger, stalder, stalder 1/2, giant 1/1, double twisting double layout. 13.350 (5.0)
Velislav Valchev - stalder 1/1, Tkatchev, endo, endo 1/1, full in (stuck). 13.200 (5.0)
Oliver Hegi - giant 1/1, Gienger, Adler, endo 1/1, endo, stalder, full twisting double layout (step back). 13.050 (4.7)
Thomas Neuteleers - Voronin (close to the bar and fall), stalder, Adler, endo 1/1, double layout (stuck). 10.875 (3.4)
Mykyta Yermak - clear hip, Tkatchev (fall), Tkatchev, stalder, stalder 1/2, giant 1/1, endo, endo 1/2, double twisting double layout. Stylish gymnast. 11.650 (4.5)
Sam Oldham - layout Tkatchev (fall), giant 1/1, Adler, endo 1/1, full twisting double layout (stuck). 11.200 (4.0)
Nestor Abad - layout Tkatchev, lost rythgm and extra giants, Tkatchev, Adler, endo (mistake and fall), endo 1/1, giant 1/1, stalder, full twisting double layout (fall to the knees). 10.300

That's been all :)


  1. Aww, Svilpaite, you were so close!! But, I'm glad the BB bronze went to Van Gerner because I like her, too.

    How is Racea getting away with doing the same vault entry? Is she getting a neutral deduction afterward?

    No surprise to see Komova has fallen, must be exhausting competing all that difficulty!

  2. They were allowed to do vaults with the same entry - I don't know if this was a rule for the competition (has been at other junior comps also) or an exception allowed for juniors in the COP.
